For the fiscal year ended 2021

Based on our operations in California and the United Kingdom, Anastasia Beverly Hills, LLC ("ABH", "we", "us", "our") provides the following statement regarding our efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in our business or supply chains as required by California's Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB-657) and the UK's Modern Slavery Act. This statement is updated annually and has been approved by our Board of Directors as required by the UK Modern Slavery Act.

At Anastasia Beverly Hills we are committed to doing businesses ethically-this means we strive to operate in a responsible way that respects human rights and follows all applicable laws in places where we do business or source materials for our products. The use of forced labor or child labor, and other human rights violations, are zero-tolerance issues for ABH, and we will not knowingly do business with vendors that do not respect this position.

Our Code of Conduct; Supplier Certifications. To this end, ABH requires our direct suppliers to adhere to and implement our Supplier Code of Conduct (the "Code"), which aims to combat modern slavery from touching any part of our products by banning the use of forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking for any materials incorporated into our products. The Code also bans the harassment and abuse of workers. We both communicate these requirements to our direct suppliers by providing them a copy of the Code and require that direct suppliers certify that the products and materials we purchase from them are derived from sources which respect all applicable laws prohibiting forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking, among other human rights violations.

Audits. While we currently do not conduct audits of our direct suppliers , we reserve the right to do so, or to initiate other third-party verification of any supplier or vendor that we suspect of engaging in any practice that violates our Supplier Code of Conduct. In the event that such an inquiry identifies a suppl ier's involvement in modern slavery, forced labor, child labor, or other potential violations of human rights, ABH's policy is to swiftly address the issue with the vendor and ask them to come into compliance with the Code. To the extent non­ compliance remains an issue, ABH reserves the right to terminate our relationship with that vendor or otherwise reevaluate the relationship.

Training and Internal Accountability. We also train our management and employees with direct responsibility over our procurement and supply chain management to identify red flags with respect to modern slavery, forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and other human rights violations to mitigate the risk that any unethically sourced materials make their way into our supply chain. In addition to this training, we also maintain employee internal accountability standards to ensure compliance with our ethical standards and legal obligations. This includes procedures for addressing actions by employees or contractors who fail to meet the requirements of our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our board of directors has approved this statement solely for purposes of our compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act , on March 16, 2021.


Anastasia Soare

CEO & Director

Anastasia Beverly Hills