The Exclusive Anastasia Brow Studio® at Nordstrom
Unveil your best brows with a world-class grooming service from Nordstrom's in-store Anastasia Brow Studio. Our trained brow experts measure, shape and perfect your distinct style using Anastasia Soare's patented techniques, including her proprietary Golden Ratio® Method, created after working with countless brows in her salon. You'll leave with a personalized look tailored to your unique face shape and bone structure—and the brows you deserve to have.

Pricing and Services:
Signature Brow Service $35
Brow Trim $10
Lip Wax $17
Chin Wax $17
Brow Tweeze $40
Brow & Lip Wax $49
Brow & Chin Wax $49
Brow, Chin & Lip Wax $60
Brow Tint* $35
Brow Tint* & Wax $55
Brow Tint* & Tweeze $65
Brow, Chin & Lip Wax & Tint* $88
* Tinting services offered in select locations
New at Nordstrom

NEW Volumizing Tinted Brow Gel adds volume and color with a soft, natural finish that lasts up to 24 hours. Now you can achieve perfect brows in seconds.